During your school trip, your group will learn about the Vikings’ attempts at settling and the struggle between the kingdom of Wessex and the Danes. The children learn about how the Vikings were able to explore widely, what they needed to do this, about different aspects of their lives and the fact that they didn’t always win. Their religion and belief in their gods significantly influenced their attitude to life and battles
Our Viking narrative will allow your children to experience Viking life, as it would have been. Your children will experience drama and fun in the activities that they do with us, all of which promote historical understanding, teamwork and problem solving.
Activity Options
Viking skills
Experience key skills needed to support life – carding, spinning, wattle fences and using a flint and steel
Viking torc
Create your own Viking torc, learning some metal work skills along the way, to take away
Viking funeral drama
Consider what is needed for the afterlife and prepare the body to join the Gods in Valhalla
Battle of Reading
Re-enact the story of the Battle of Reading. Learn how King Alfred outwitted the Vikings in Wessex
Viking Tales
Re-enact the story of Beowulf and how he defeated Grendel the monster
Voyaging Vikings
Journey on the Viking ship to faraway places to discover the treasures Vikings came away with
Viking games
Study Viking life in terms of their leisure pursuits – try your hand at some games
Crime and Punishment
Laws were made at an assembly called the AllThing; crimes were judged at local assemblies called the LawThing.
Life on the farm
Experience elements of Saxon farming through milking, grinding grain and interacting with animals
Viking Fire Lighting
Experience an element of Viking life by trying to start a fire using ancient techniques
Vicious Vikings
Learn key battle skills and prepare for battle!
Hunting- Bow Making
Learn how to make your own bow and arrow set from natural materials to take away
Viking artefacts
Investigate a range of Viking objects. What materials are used and why?
How do we get our food? The woods in the area are likely to have suitable prey: wild boar, pheasant, rabbits and deer.
Viking Feast
Take part in a Viking feast to celebrate the victory so far and to prepare for battle the next day.