A Day at Ufton Adventure
A brief outline of the first day of an Ufton Adventure visit
The Icebreaker Session
We feel it is really important to start each visit with all the children together, familiarising themselves with the Ladders of Success, the Ufton 4Rs, our staff and wild outdoors. Ice breakers are fun team building activities designed to set the tone for the rest of the residential.
Target Setting
Visits begin with target setting, we use our Ufton passports to Learning to record targets and development. Children are deeply involved in the process of evaluating their progress, this concurrent evaluation motivates them to try harder and achieve more.
This session embeds the Ufton Approach and starts discussions around the Ladder of Success targets the group will be working on. Children can remind themselves of their progress by reviewing their passports, the stamps they have achieved and the expectations we have of them and they have of themselves.
A Day at Ufton Adventure
Breakfast is prepared communally by school staff and their children. Hopefully you will have finished breakfast and cleared it away by the time our Ufton Leaders join you.
Ufton staff will join you at 08:30.
Ufton (environmental) news -The day begins with news about the weather here and around the world, evidence of animals or changes in nature, environmental headlines of the day. We want children to have a strong and positive relationship with the natural world so they take action to protect it.
Ufton Wake and Shake - You and your children will be guided through an exercise routine. These simple exercises can be practiced anywhere, anytime and we want to encourage the children to remember them and try them at home. We all know the benefits of regular exercise for our physical and mental well-being. If you can, please take part to model enthusiasm for exercise. Or move around the group to encourage them to take part. Let’s get our bodies moving and get ourselves energised for the day!
Session 1 - As per programme
Mid morning break – supplied prepared by Ufton kitchen
Session 2 As per programme
Lunch - prepared by school
Session 3 As per programme – short session
Mid afternoon break– supplied prepared by Ufton kitchen
Session 4 As per programme – short session
Dinner – prepared by school
After dinner fun is an activity led by Ufton staff and school staff will have agreed what it is. It might be a thrilling night walk, looking at stars, a camp fire, quizzes and other games.
Ufton staff will depart at 20:30.